Jjdanudb のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Delurking I am so, so sorry. Most of your pain I cannot cmoprehend, but I do know this kind of loss. From the moment you see that little plus  sign on the test, you're a mommy and that's your baby. It's growing inside you but also starts growing in your heart. You start imagining that child's future laid out before you, making plans, thinking what he or she will be like. It hurts so much to lose that little person you never got to meet, and it's little consolation that it wasn't meant to be. You were a good mama to that little stranger and he/she would have been so lucky to land in your family. My second pregnancy was colored by the loss of the first, but right now my little boy is sleeping upstairs in his crib. I like to think, now that I have some distance from my loss, that this is the baby that was meant for me. I will send positive energy your way and hope you'll soon be expecting a healthy baby. I hesitated even to post anything for fear of saying something that wasn't helpful, but you write you heart out for your readers and I wanted to tell you I was sharing your pain and thinking of you.
Hey Everyone,I am not sure if anybody is <a href="http://qvhixwfl.com">inettesred</a> but Canada has a similar program to the MyCokeRewards in the U.S. You can visit the Canada site at icoke.ca and use to code C4LFB OXHR7 if you would like. However, you have to be a resident of Canada to participate. I recently went to a vacation in Canada and got 20 icoke.ca codes. I was wondering if anybody would like to trade some of there U.S codes for 20 icoke.ca codes. If you are <a href="http://qvhixwfl.com">inettesred</a> you can send me a request a .I really appreciate this site and all of the information that is shared here. I have something interesting that I have found myself. I recently got a 12 pack and there was no code inside the box. I contacted Coke and they credited my account with 10 points. Also, Vault codes have worked since the beginning of April.Thanks to Everyone,David

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