Jgupahkp のバックアップ差分(No.6) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Great, great site  am becoming avid <a href="http://geoisyzt.com">reedar</a>.Question: Do you have a recommended reading source for how to control the sequence of menu (page) items as they display in the top navigation bar of a WordPress blog? That numerical sequence feature they currently have doesn't seem to work very well.I'm in the process of switching to a static front page, with a  blog  page for my posts, and that blog menu item is buried in with everything else up there. Would love to move it up next to  Home .Angela.-= Angela Leeds s last blog .. =-.
Thank you so much Norma!! The template may be<a href="http://kbgffgabcl.com"> slipme</a>, but the creativity and love you put in yours makes it fabulous!!!! I just love these!!!Hugs,Teri

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