Jalienwd のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

kompis!Jag diggar velgeikrn dina bilder pe5 bloggen, schf6na som fan!  ...har en egen blogg och skulle vilja ha bilder ockse5, vart skaffar jag bilder gratis som pe5 din? ...anve4nder just nu www.fototorget.com men den e4r lite gless, dessutom e4r dina bilder mycket schysstare!
I have a wordpress theme that I <a href="http://kumuwyirfvc.com">doandowled</a>, it's two column theme with a right sidebar. Can anyone please tell me if it's possible to switch the two around? Or where I can get a tutorial on how to do it or something? So that I have a left sidebar. Can this be done easily? How?

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