Isrfqfqb のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

, it was all a big lie cooked up by the CIA and the mlartiiy-industrial complex to enrich a lot of fat cats at the expense of thousands of American families and millions of Laotian, Cambodian, and Vietnamese families.We were right when we said it was illegal, immoral, and just plain wrong.  We were right when we said we couldn’t trust the government to tell us the truth.We were right back in the 60s when we said we needed alternative energy, an environmentally sustainable life-style, and that we should stop trying to force everyone into the same mold.We were right when we said we needed to curb the excesses of capitalism or the gap between rich and poor would become a divisive and oppressive nightmare.We were right when we said that prohibition would not work and that the laws against drugs do more harm than the drugs themselves ever could.We were right when we said that Nixon was a rat and a crook, and that the CIA was running heroin in Vietnam.We were right when we said that Reagan was a wolf in sheep’s clothing and a disaster for America.  We were right when we said trickle-down economics was a greedhead rip-off of the poor and middle class.  We were right when we said that Wall Street, the government, and the mlartiiy-industrial complex had formed an evil iron triangle that has a stranglehold on our country and is pushing us inexorably into a state of total war to serve their own nefarious ends.We were right when we said the mainstream media was becoming a propaganda machine.We were right when we said the religious right was filled more with hatred and intolerance than with love or Christian charity.We were right when we said love is the answer.We were right when we said workers were being ruthlessly oppressed and unions neutered and pressured out of existence.We were right when we said the government was spying on American citizens.We were right when we said we were sending too many people to prison for all the wrong things.We were right when we said the Republicans were bible-totin’ fascists with fake smiles and daggers up their sleeves.And you think WE were the problem?  That’s almost funny ? except that it isn’t.Where is the respect?  Where’s the love?  Where is the acknowledgement that we were and are the leading edge of thought?  Where is the admission that WE WERE RIGHT?
You have more useful info than the British had colonies pr-eWWII. [url=]vqkcezaddlg[/url] [link=]fehtkse[/link]

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