Irbxkjai のバックアップソース(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum
It was the radical left baby brooems not all baby brooems, Bill Ayers and his friends, liberal college professors and hippies that grew up and became lawyers and politicians and brain washed the next generation, your generation, they use to be just in the colleges, now their in K-12 liberal lefties brain washing our children now their starting on the next generation. Plus in 1960 God was taken out of our schools by one woman an atheists, Madalyn O'Hara after 1960 the kids grew up behaving worse, and it has gotten worse ever since, and it will continue until we come back to God. Most kids just want to party now and they don't care how they behave, plus bad parenting. Liberals want a humanists society they want to get rid of every aspect of God in our lives.

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