Humdvajk のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Thank you! I absolutely loved these ptoohs! They were so much fun, and also made me feel so much better about myself   It's a bit like the Beyonce ptoohs that just got published   No matter how  beautiful  you are, you don't always look good, nor should you, and no one should judge you on that. The appearance expectations of the society nowadays are completely unrealistic, and it's so easy to forget that sometimes, being bombarded with perfect (photoshopped) ptoohs of celebrities with porcelain skin, perfect hair and make up and whatnot of course it's nice to be estethically pleasing, but what should matter is the inside, not the looks.
Yeah, I guess it doesn't matter what Dave Ramsey thniks... almost every penny effects the economy of the US, based on energy cost more than most others.How anybody would seek to justify soaring gas prices that could have been avoided for the most part -with unemployment stuck at around 10%- doesn't know how the economy works- not this one, anyway.What he's saying makes sense, but it's $100 a month going to Big Oil and OPEC... and not on something that might create a job Stateside.And encouraging expensive energy at such a cost to Americans for some abstract green agenda is just another way Barack Hussein Obama is raping this country to make his twisted self feel better for five secondsSmall wonder I'm cheering Trump on- SO sick of this nut having WAY too much power... and abusing it

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