Hsrtjrck のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I read your blog every time! Thanks for giving me inoirpatisn:-)I ordered your calendar and planning to give my friend in Japan. I can imagine her smile when she get it!
2012/07/13 7:44:00 AMThis is an awesome app with a good <a href="http://jcdgjmj.com">seectlion</a> of beats & sounds, but I feel that a key feature has been left out. I think users should be able to set timers on all beats to either get to sleep or awaken from sleep. For example, play the  Relaxation  beat for 30 min, play the  Pre-Sleep  beat for 15 min then the  Deep Sleep  beat for 20 min or something like that. Seems like the ability to  program  the beats would be a great help to insomniacs like myself. Please let me know how to use the feature if it exists already and I've overlooked it. Thanks!

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