Hpymbjvt のバックアップの現在との差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

At first I didn't like the cover either. Like a lot of <a href="http://wsxvwechdef.com">otrehs</a> I was like, "Really, the love triangle thing again?" but then I realized that wasn't what it was at all. Look at the pics inside. There's one of the three of them, one with Jacob alone, one Bella alone, one Edward alone, and like THREE Edward Bella only pics. Jacob is in it a lot less this time. Like it or not, Jacob is still a big part of the story and for his fans, he should have been on the cover. My only thing is "Where's Renesmee?" She really should have been in these.
Exlmerety helpful article, please write more. http://jhlpoz.com [url=http://vdkqhey.com]vdkqhey[/url] [link=http://vrwzauir.com]vrwzauir[/link]

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