Hkbzcjrz のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

You can do it! We're designed to feed our babes! My 8 month old fed every hour round the clock for the first three monhts. I thought I was going crazy at one point and then bam, by 3 monhts she was sleeping through the night (7-6) which I know is rare in ebf. Sure it's rough being the sole freeder but the bonding is truly like nothing else and the health benefits are incredible! Now at 8 monhts bf'ing is smooth. She's never had a bottle and barely eats solids and has thrived beautifully! Looking at her and knowing my body has nourished her for this long is just an amazing feeling. Bf babies so tend to drop off weight on the beginning more than formula fed so there is that but as long as they have doubled their birth weight by all should be good!
Me and this article, sitting in a tree, L-RE-A--N-I-N-G! [url=]fqedvywfp[/url] [link=]bqkamje[/link]

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