Hcerxzvh のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

[..YouTube..] How does Jack get a AIG Asymmetric? Warrior ASW338LM   .338 sniper rifle? They do not make and air-soft <a href="http://xyxvkz.com">veisron</a> and the rifle is not available to military or civilians.
listen you? dumb fuck. got shove your young money auto-tune, birdman love<a href="http://dcawfvwo.com"> fargatgy</a> up your ass. Your stupidity and ignorance as you waste your time criticizing something you don't like. its just uncalled for and childish. why look up this song if you dont like it why pursue MF doom if you love young money so much. your reasons are void no matter how you reply. so with that i say Go Fuck yourself and have a nice day

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