Halloween Events For Adults In San Diego For 2009 のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

the pay channel is shniwog a couple making love.  In the fist stanza, there was a war and millions of people died; yet everyone was mentioned as innocent?  And apparently the president did not care much since he spoke of it as a  magic love potion.   And for the narrator to have eyes  opened in astonishment  and have a face  like a twice-canceled postage stamp  shows that he or she was in complete shock to that, that they could not believe it.In the second stanza, right off the bat the narrator says he or she lived well, but life was awful.  That's a very contradicting statement, and a very powerful one at that.  This give the poem a time period though, that time had passed since the war.  The narrator recalls the war, that there were  so many soldiers that day  and  So many refugees crowding the roads.  and then  Naturally, they all vanished With a touch of the hand.   I think the ending line of this stanza was such a great metaphor:  History licked the corners of its bloody mouth.   This conveys history to be an evil, a monster even, and all of the bloodshed was its beautiful doing.The last stanza shows current time, and the narrator seems to be stuck in the past.  He or she is watch a TV channel where there is a couple about to have sex.  The TV is muted, and the room is dark, and the narrator can only see the red and pink colors on the screen.   Except for the screen where the color Had too much red in it, too much pink.   I am contemplating whether or not the narrator had been a solider themselves  possibly unable to get over the horrid memories the war left with him or her  and how apathetic the world was to the entirety of it
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