Guudbttp のバックアップ差分(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Thank you for taking the time to work on this <a href="">pluign</a>.. It's *almost* exactly what I need. I plan on adding some shortcode options to it, but I'm having trouble getting started. It worked okay on a live, not-music-related blog, but I can't do the dev there. I've been working on a new blog using a local install, but there is an error message I'm having trouble getting past:Warning: array_pop() [function.array-pop]: The argument should be an array in C:\Documents and Settings\...\public_html\wp-content\<a href="">pluign</a>s\discography\discography.php on line 25It also errors on the other lines where the following code is present:ereg('/wp\-content/<a href="">pluign</a>s/(.*)/discography\.php', __FILE__, $folder);$folder = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . '/wp-content/<a href="">pluign</a>s/' . array_pop($folder) . '/';I've tried commenting out the ereg function and changing the $folder var to eliminate the array_pop function and instead write  /<a href="">pluign</a>s/discography.php/   it didn't work. What am I missing here, or is it just not possible on a local install?Apache 2.2.3PHP 5.2MySQL: 5.0.27Wordpress: 2.6.2Running on a local dev install on Windows XP.
Ah yes, nicely put, evenoyre. [url=]ncneugybcpm[/url] [link=]cwfgohgxcx[/link]

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