Gqhwwlbd のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
> I think not including the $147 is chetaing  I don't know how you arrive at that conclusion. The $147 was money earned or received as rewards it was not GCs purchased out of her income. If they were purchased out of her income then it would be fudging to use them and not consider it OOP money but that is not the case. The GCs are freebies just as if someone gave you a gift. If you didn't have money to buy something you wanted and someone else got it for you would that mess up your budget? Would you consider the gift as OOP money? Would you not be able to pay your bills bc someone gave you a gift that you couldn't afford to buy? I think not and your suggestion that Erin is chetaing is just as silly and out of line! Erin, hope you don't mind me stepping in and giving my two cents worth on that comment. I just think it was uncalled for. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and they have a right to voice it. But people need to think before they do and not voice their opinion in such a rude way. You can disagree with someone elses opinion without being rude and petty. I think she could have found a nicer way to address it, she could have asked you why the GCs wouldn't be considered as part of the budget since it would be money that you were spending and that wouldn't that actually make your budget higher. Then it could have been explained that the GCs were not out of your income and that your $800 budget is OOP money from your income. Extra money and gifted money like that is not considered as part of a budget since it is not regularly received and you can't predict how much it will be definitely and it is money over your income anyway.Thanks for all the encouragement that you give everyone and for all the tips. I'm looking forward to following you next year and seeing how your budget goes.

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