Ggzlqgin のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

if you're earning 50 or 60K, panyig an extra  $100.00 per month for gasoline shouldn't be that big of a problem.What he missed is the person who only makes 25K is going to be hit really, really hard by these gas prices. And I question his $100.00 extra figure, too.  We hardly drive anywhere and our gas is at least an extra $100.00 so someone that has to drive a bit of a distance 5 or 6 days a week is going to use up TWO days earnings per week just for gas.On the other hand, I hope it does go up just to bring down his poll numbers even more.
Eat well. Stay hydrated. Get lots of sleep. Seriously, a well-maintained body<a href=""> heouss</a> a better functioning brain, which produces better plots and characters!

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