Gbvhjmkg のバックアップソース(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Submitted by Aline Manzi, Millbrook, NYJan 17, 2011I cannot be pesrent at your next public meeting, so I offer my questions about the wordings in your draft of the Vision Statement.  The Statement requires careful attention to wordings so in future, as others take over the functions, nothing could be misinterpreted from the desires of the community currently designing the statement.These are the three points:Vibrant and Diverse Local Business (Product, services, jobs, support tax base) ? This could be interpreted to mean people want the town to develop additional business hamlets and other commercial areas in the town. The Vision Statement list already mentions Millbrook Village as the commercial center of the town   which is what most residents have already expressed as their desire.Carefully Managed Development Designed to Stabilize Your Taxes ? The town Survey clearly showed that the majority of residents do not want “development” in the town. They prefer to keep Millbrook a rural community. Who would manage “development” and how would it possibly stabilize taxes? We are concerned why we have to keep repeatedly addressing the concept of development when it is not a priority of the majority of the people in this town.A Healthy Diversity of Housing   Our village already provides us with a significant supply of diverse housing.  The town Survey and subsequent meetings have shown that this kind of growth is not a priority to us.  The inclusion of this statement would mean that our community wishes to declare, as part of its mandate for the future,  a desire for the town to encourage housing growth.  This could mean anything from town houses and condos, to high density tract development and manufactured homes, and everything in between.  This inappropriate statement should not be in a vision statement for a community that hopes to remain rural.Do we want our taxes to increase?   One item which is sorely missing from this list for the Vision Statement is the fiscal impact of any changes to the pesrent status of the town. Growth does not pay for itself. High taxes are often the result. This important issue of financial responsibility, ignored in the vision statement to date, should be include. It is very important.Please remember that a Vision Statement is what the MAJORITY of the community wants for its future. It helps community leaders and planners develop the zoning regulations in the next step of the Comprehensive Plan Process. Let’s make sure that our town officials understand what kind of town we want in the future. It is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and our families!

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