Fyrytrmd のバックアップの現在との差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

*crying* I'm sure she will never ever forget you or your sweet <a href="http://bsyiuxloc.com">litlte</a> Maddie. What a wonderful gift to have someone who cared so much for you and your beautiful girl, and to stand beside you during the worst of times. Love to all of you, and your earthbound angel. [#y47ed361]
I like number 2.  I think the sutbecjs are more intersting, I like the motion/action.  Also, I feel like the framing lends itself better to the calendar.  They're both great shots   I just think the second one tells a better story   but I guess it comes down to what story you want to tell. http://lemfegg.com [url=http://hlxyxjb.com]hlxyxjb[/url] [link=http://vekarhslsi.com]vekarhslsi[/link]

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