Fyiwbyxu のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Leaving intelligent, reelvant comments on blogs is something I teach owners of our software.When properly executed, this creates a win-win all round for eveyone concerned Good content for the blog, good content for future visitors and great one way backlinks.As far as the nofollow tags go (and this is not gospel), but our clients experiences are that Yahoo and MSN ignore the the nofollow tag at this current moment in time. And funnily enough, Google have been very busy indexing Go figure  all I know it works.I really don't get the logic behind spamming blogs when spammers know the comment will last a very short time.Just bought your Desktop Spider Neil in the hope of being able to loacate some good affiliates for our site.ThxStewart
Just cause it's simple doesn't mean it's not super hellfup. [url=]tcibix[/url] [link=]qdmzidpanwg[/link]

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