Ffgsjffa のバックアップ差分(No.5) - PukiWiki by illuminum

hello guys, im using the discography plug in as a<a href="http://hpucqvjov.com"> reveiw</a> site. but i like to know if i can show the last 10  cds   added to my discogrpahy or<a href="http://hpucqvjov.com"> reveiw</a> section in the home page with a smal pic of the cd album if some one knows please write me or write here for everyone can use this later
+1would you please give me 1 code? i like this game and i dont have to much money to <a href="http://jwkqvtlfo.com">afofrd</a> it :( and is very hard begining with 4th mission.. :( i managed to pass 4 and 5 mission but 6 is almost imposible

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