FebruaryForm のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

GD Star Ratingloading...I totally agree..I am also a teen<a href="http://rhxlfqbhrk.com"> praent</a> it is? not a disease that can be treated and cured..You can be a teen<a href="http://rhxlfqbhrk.com"> praent</a> and succeed in life .these people are just encouraging abortions!!GD Star Ratingloading...
thomianShe was the one that looked like a<a href="http://wtomxobffa.com"> prtety</a> little boy. She had on a little sweat suite outfit or something. She had a short curly fro and she was flooding.lol                                      -HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!She definitely was flooding.But yeah, I thought that was a little Puerto Rican boy up until I read this interview that she did about 3 or 4 years ago.  In the interview, she mentioned that she apeared in that episode, and that she still receives residual checks for about 20 something dollars every time that episode airs.   Anywho, if it wasn't for her saying that was her on that episode, I would've still thought that it was a boy.  And even in the pic above, she looks like a boy.Nevertheless, as for all of this back and forthness about her nose and features, I think that her features has changed over the years.  I mean, from the point of when she was a baby, her features were different compared to her features during her adolescent and preteen years.  And currently, she's<a href="http://wtomxobffa.com"> prtety</a> much had the same features since she was in her late teens.Even so, while anything is possible, I'm going to give AK the benefit of the doubt and say that she's Au Naturel (minus the ten Seabiscuits she's been piling on top of her head, as of late.)

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