Ewcuxmha のバックアップソース(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Hey there...S.! You literally gave me a heart-attack the<a href="http://wcadxxs.com"> mmenot</a> I recognized the new sidebar-kissing-gif...it s just outstanding epic and WAYMAZING!Thank you, dude, you rock our Robsten-universe with this hot gif...great, great work!About the calendar?Dudes, please don t start the Jacob-drama again!I totally agree with those of our friends here that Jacob was and will always be a big part of the whole saga and he obvioulsy is important for Bella, Edward-and Renesmee...so what are you complaining about! It s nothing but right that he is in these pics...and after all: I totally love Taylor for his loyalty and deep friendship he seems to share with Rob and Kristen!!I just enjoy the closeness between Edward and Bella in the pic, with Bella leaning herself close into him and I love the kind of possessive and in the same way protective and reassuring way Edward holds Bella s arm in one of the pics...Dudes, let s just take all this as the start of some hopefully all exciting, joyful and Robsten-filled ComicCon<a href="http://wcadxxs.com"> mmenot</a>s...I m waiting for this so desperately!Let the good times finally begin...the bittersweet, good times!Hugs to all, especially to you, S. and again: Thank you for the cutest kissing-gif!It s totally Rob and Kristen for me...TR

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