Eupakghp のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hm, I am wondering if it this cganhe:+ Remove line terminator after escape in string the latest 2.2.5 release should be cganhed to inserting a escaped newline character, instead of just removing the newline. Because right now you're changing the behavior of a script (shortening string literals   what if a script checks for a specific string length?), that's IMO something a compressor should never do.
Hey vvhitekid2,The code has<a href=""> adalrey</a> been redeemed, but not by me.I have a question for you about the RSS feed.  Does that get updated the same time the site is updated or is there a lag in the RSS feed post?  Just wondered because they didn't seem to match up at the same time.Thanks for this site and any insight you can provide.-Michael

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