Efyzlwfb のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
I often get annoyed when my boreyifnd plays W.O.W for many many hours. And yes, I think that you playing on-line video games could have been one of the causes of the deterioration of your marriage if she felt neglected and unloved because you played video games for a really long time instead of spending time with her when she wanted too. If you guys argued about it alot, then yes, it could have been a problem. I get annoyed because when my boreyifnd devotes ALOT of his time into a game, even though its fun, it makes me a little angry. Your wife may have felt neglected or hurt because the game seemed alot funner then you spending time with her or together in your life together. Just think about if you had been in her position. What made her feel that way about that game in the first place?

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