DirectorIn のバックアップソース(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum
i know this is old and maybe you wont see this comment, but as a peidrtaic icu nurse might i say that i am incredibly proud to consider this wonderful nurse as one of my colleagues.  ours is a difficult job, but nowhere near as difficult as it is to be a parent of a child in the picu.  i cant believe to begin to understand what is going on in the hearts and heads of my patient's parents, but i can only hope that i've been able to be *that nurse* for some of my patients and their families when they've needed it.  thank you for posting this, for the reminder that as a bedside nurse we are appreciated.  i hope you've been able to find *your nurse,* but if not know that there is a picu nurse in nyc that is incredibly grateful to you for sharing this difficult memory.  it's helped to remind my why my job, even on the most difficult of days, is truly my calling.

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