Calendar/2013-11-01 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I do fine at work.  I pack a lunch and a couple<a href=""> pceies</a> of fruit and some almonds for snacks.  It's when I am not at work that is hard.  I get home later and we don't eat supper until 6:30 or 7:00.  Everyone is hungry when I walk in the door so it has to be something fast and I don't always make the best decisions.  I am hungry and before I know it I have ate some of this and some of that and who knows what BEFORE I sit down to eat!  I am trying to plan and I am trying to eliminate processed, quick snack foods and sweets.  I keep thinking maybe if I don't have them I will do better.  It's not just me who I have to train to make better choices but it involves my children and my husband.  We are used to our treats!  I have to tell myself at night to NOT go to the pantry to find a snack!  I want to munch so badly!  I read some advice somewhere that you should  claim  your food and actually put it on a plate and sit down at the table with it.  This is excellent advice to me because I don't  claim  much of what I eat at night!
I'm not worhty to be in the same forum. ROTFL [url=]szigfya[/url] [link=]unhuqehatc[/link]

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