Calendar/2013-04-01 のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I doubt you can beat the star. Try something like a dinenr for two at a fancy restraunt and write her a poem. After that just spend some time alone drinking hot chocolate in front of the christmas tree.
What makes eating the <a href=""> hleathier</a>  foods harder for me is at dinner time.  We are a family of 5 and eating chicken breasts, seafood, and turkey are very expensive meats.We don't fry our foods (if we do any frying it is usually french fries or tater tots; but there again it is only MAYBE once a month because we usually bake ours).  We have more ground beef or red meat items in our house, because we purchase half a cow from our cousins and then have it processed.  So our beef is lean, but it is what we mostly consume in a weeks time.I do try to get a seafood meal, a pork meal and 1 or 2 chicken meals in our weekly meals that I plan.  (I plan an entire months worth of meals then get the groceries, and only go back to the store weekly for perishables).This month I have cut out more potatoes and added more pasta meals (I am not sure if that was wise; because again I couldn't get the WW pasta because of the price); and also changed the canned vegetables to green leafy salads that have to prepared that day for dinner.The price you pay for eating<a href=""> hleathier</a> is ridiculous and hard to do with such a large family; keep in mind now that  I have a teenager and she eats as much as my husband so a 6oz fillet of cod will not be enough for them.

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