Calendar/2009-11-01 のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I just discovered you a few mhotns ago and have been enjoying seeing your monthly creations when I have to stare at my computer. I hope you keep gracing many a monitor for a good long time to come. Thanks!
You got to get a FAT bitch like Sanya! I think a lot of that crap on O.R. is scripted and faked (like WWE). IF<a href=""> smonoee</a> were to assault the repo man, they should face criminal charges and do some jail time. If attacked with a gun, we all have the right to defend ourselves with deadly force   if necessary. I liked the episode on O.R. when Matt got busted for tresspassing for jumping a fence. Those sexy chicks are a dead giveaway about the faked drama on that show.

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