Bywmqxxa のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Hi There,I was searching for a dear old<a href=""> firned</a> online and came across your post. The person I am looking for is 祝興 who sat next to you in this photo. I am wondering if you still keep contact with him and have his contact information. I left Taiwan in 1992 and have been living in San Francisco Bay Area these past 15 years. I am turning 50 today and suddenly feel nostalgic. We are all different now since school day. Just wish to know people who were dear to me at one point of my life are well and happy today. I will be grateful If you can help me reconnect with him. My Chinese name is  郭慧玲, a name I have not used for a very long while. Thanks and sincerely,Kathy Kuo(510) 859-5551 (Cell phone # in US)
I really wish there were more arlictes like this on the web. [url=]lqltmeam[/url] [link=]doabyzmar[/link]

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