Bimtdjco のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Dear Spohr family,As hard as it has been for me to see pngerant women and newborns lately (my daughter was stillborn 3.5 weeks ago at 37 weeks gestation), I am so over the moon excited for your family. Congratulations on baby James' arrival. Although I don't comment much I've been a reader since 2009 and I feel as though the happiness of your family is as important to me as my own family members. <3 Unfortunately I know I'm not emotionally strong enough to keep up with your blog right now, but I can't wait until I feel ready, so I can keep up with the adventures of the amazing Annabel and her new sidekick James.Sending so much love to you all!Robyn
awww, i thought it was Mariah cuz it<a href=""> lkoeod</a> like her baby pic. Alicia was so cute when she wuz a baby and she sexy now! mixed kids are soo cute..

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