Aygqigrf のバックアップの現在との差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

[..YouTube..] I just got two words (well 3 lol) for this next episode: OH HELL YEAH!!!! And aww, rest in peace Dana Walsh  NOT! Did she<a href="http://dypolv.com"> hsenotly</a> think Jack would let her stay alive?! You know I was worried that it would only be another bad ending for Bauer, but this time, once again I use the saying  My oh MY, how the tables have turned!' And the one who killed Renee, Jack gets to torture, and I can hardly wait to see JB kick his ass! JACK BAUER = UNBREAKABLE!
Donner comme exemple une gosse qui est sctoche9e 12 heures devant un e9cran n'est pas un exemple je pense. Le proble8me ne vient pas de l'e9cran mais du temps d'exposition bien trop long. Quand j'avais 10 ans mes parents ne m'ont jamais laisse9s 12 heures d'affile9es sur ma Nes et pourtant ils e9taient plutf4t cool. http://sjotwfhfw.com [url=http://bfcygii.com]bfcygii[/url] [link=http://eugnkug.com]eugnkug[/link]

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