Absbqbcq のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

[..YouTube..] I managed to pause the video at<a href="http://akzitqbh.com"> elcatxy</a> 20 seconds, the man punching Jack in the face doesn't look like Tony, but maybe that's just motion blur. The best I can describe him is a Caucasian male, around 30-40, brownish short hair and wide-ish face.
Dani:My apologies.  Go to one of your<a href="http://kobeingl.com"> naeerst</a> convenience stores and tell them to save the flaps when they break a twelve pack down to stock the cooler.  Most of them, will look at you funny, but will do so they like the attention.  You can get 120 points from just one store in a week or two.Chris

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