2012モバゲー のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I remember the 3GS reesale was on a Friday because I took a day off from work to accept shipment (how lame is that). I have decided i will be pre-ordering for pickup at the Long Island store by my house because I am a technology psychopath and it will make me crazy if I have to wait until Monday to get one. I just hope they have two lines, one for pre-orders and one for same day purchases so I don't have to stand on line for hours like a clown. RobPS..Is there an RSS option for this blog? I'd love to add you to Google Reader but  don't see the option.
Meri,  You've done it again   created a very clear,<a href="http://xaxejkxcxd.com"> silpme</a> explanation.  I hope more people take advantage of this app.  Perhaps we need more in-servicing on google.

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