2010 Manistee Nationwide Forest Festival のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Oh goodness, I have to be there!!!! I am a big sutproper of young South African fashion I have made it a point on my blog (www.theangelheadedhipster.com) to showcase young local fashion designers and align my blog with the development of these designers. Please pick me to go to Elle Rising Star Design Award Talent, because Young South African design talent is my passion and is what motivates me to participate in and articulate South Africa s growing style and aesthetic through my blog. Being able to attend and see such promising designers really would be a dream come true, and the experience would inspire me to continue in my mission to use whatever influence I have to inspire new ways of thinking about, supporting and approaching local design and encouraging others to do so as well.If I went I d choose to wear an outfit that is youthful and striking and one that features a piece by a young South African designer. Then I d mix the it up with some more commercial pieces and top it off with something from Mr Price   of course!
“Paradise Motel” by Charles Simic was the poem that stood out to me the most. It is generally short and an easy read yet<a href="http://mzispfemk.com"> pitnas</a> such a vivid picture. We the readers can see the state of peril his country is in with just three short paragraphs. In fact the poem never gives a specific date, place or time yet it manages to project such a vivid description of the oppression an all powerful government has.  We see this in lines 10-12 where refugees who once crowded the streets vanished “With a touch of the hand”. That line alone is a metaphor for the ease in which whole populations of people can just be disposed of on a whim by a one single entity in power.  He follows this line with another metaphor strengthening his argument “history licked its bloody lips”. Obviously this line is not literal but a colorful way of saying that the violence we’ve seen in history repeats itself in this poem. The whole last paragraph of the poem gives a description to a pay per view movie. That last paragraph while to the naked eye may seem irrelevant is actually a brilliant description of the loneliness and fear the author is feeling. The sound is off, the color is distorted; the author is blankly staring at a normally arousing show or movie yet feeling nothing. The point is that he is so preoccupied with the violence surrounding his hotel he cannot focus on anything but just that.  Simac gives a specific read through of the events playing out but gives them to us in such a picturesque and descriptive way choosing to only write the parts that really connect with us the reader.

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