天皇賞 秋 2011 のバックアップ差分(No.6) - PukiWiki by illuminum

For me I have two battles.1.  I am the <a href="http://ixgcibgdine.com">pikceist</a> eater.  I eat by texture as well as taste.  ie.  my fruit is limited to apples, oranges and bananas.  I don't like ANY type of berry or melon.  same for veggies   lettuce, green beans and corn.  I can gag down broccoli stems, but can't handle the florets.  And don't even mention tomatoes to me.  crazy I KNOW.  I've been like this my whole life.  I get tired of the same old foods, but I can't help it.2.  I crave and I mean CRAVE carbs.  Cereal, bread  and potatoes   OH MY. I could live off of cold cereal and milk.  So naturally, without even thinking, I reach for carbs when I'm hungry.  That is my default food.Planning and having things on hand work well for me, as long as I don't get lazy and just reach for a bowl of cereal rather than make a salad or make a healthy lunch.
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