ざわざわざわ・・まるでカイジのような博打人生高松宮記念2012 のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Yet another late to the party cotmenmer!I love hearing about everyone's wedding day fragrances! So many beautiful choices. I wore a very cheap LOTV perfume oil from the local hippee/imports/new age boutique. The scent reminded me of a set of fragrances my older sister was given as a child (oh how I coveted those). The association was a happy memory and that day more happy memories were made, so in the end it was a good choice. If we were getting married now, as opposed to 10 years ago (anniversary is in 13 days!) if the weather was as warm as it was on my wedding day, perhaps Cartier IV L'Heure Fougueuse!

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