Zovrewhw のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
“We Real Cool” by Gwendolyn BrooksThe poem “We real cool” is like a manifest of <a href="http://cgdsxljcgpi.com">frodeem</a>, written by youth. I like the fact that this poem is not a description, but the characters speak themselves. We know that they were dropped out of school -”we left school”, but the don’t seem to care about it, that makes them “cool”.They spend their everyday life on drinking alcohol and playing pool. They are rebellious and vulgar. Whatever they do, they do it to have fun. Nevertheless at the end they say “we die soon”. Their lifestyle leads to death, but I think their life motto is “live fast, die young and leave a good-looking corpse!”. It doesn’t matter how long they live, the excitement and carefreeness is what they need. Moreover the part of the title “The Pool Players. Seven at the Golden Shovel” emphasizes that their are responsible for their own destruction. Even though their life is “golden” it is a the same time the “shovel” to their grave. They choose their destiny. I think the author of the poem want to convince young people to be more responsible and explain them that they should make smart decisions to have a joyful long life.

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