Adefzryd のバックアップソース(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Walking is a really good oodtuor hobby someone has already mentioned photography you could combine the two.  Not only do you get exercise but it relaxes you. Join a walking group it doesn't matter who you are or what you do the people are always friendly. That's how I get my exercise oodtuors.Everyone is good a something and you really are too hard on yourself you have many skills which you probably don't think of as skills.Indoors I do counted cross stitch again that is relaxing and I work with difficult people so it makes me forget.  I pick it up and put it down when I feel like it.  I make cards for people but there many items you can make.  When I give a card to someone they always appreciate it and that helps me feel good about myself.  You can join cross stitch clubs too.  There are loads of kits on the market and magazines that regularly have free kits that you could try and if you don't like it then there are been a minimal financial loss.Hope you find something but most of all not one person in this world is boring including you.

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