Qdjbbmiq のバックアップソース(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum
Breastfeeding my newborn sons was one of the haesrdt things I've ever done!  It is a full. time. job. !!! I will share this  Our older son was given formula in the hospital while I slept like the dead after a very difficult delivery, and he had supplemental formula from then on for the 4 months he breastfed.  I had  wounds,  clogged ducts and eventually mastitis before calling it quits and going to full formula.Our younger son latched on like a little professional and nursed until 10 days before his 2nd birthday when he told me he was  all nine  (all done), and never nursed again.I admit that I felt  proud  to say that he never had formula (and rarely even had expressed breastmilk), but I must also admit that our older son has been a much easier child to raise than his little brother who would still crawl INTO my skin if he could just days before his 9th birthday.  That boy is ATTACHED!  Don't even get me started on how many years it took to get him out of our bed once I decided to put him into it because I HAD to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time.    No matter how long (or short!) a time he is breastfed, I pray he thrives and you are as happy and rested as a new mom can be!

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