Phqrxygr のバックアップの現在との差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

April 19, 2008 by Johnny    I was just checking out JT Pratt's page on using the nxpaetge tag in WordPress. You can checkout the his post at making more money blogging wordpress hacks using nxpaetge. [url=]yuamsbmmwc[/url] [link=]mjsbrrmpf[/link]
Phil,Good article, thank you.  I think as you seem to, that this is a piotsive for the market.  However I see this Instructure emulating the Moodle model, more than pioneering it.  Core Moodle developed and managed by Martin Dougiamas' team at the .org, with community developed, managed and steered plugins and modules; seems very analogous to me.  I do think (hope) it will be a shot in the arm to stimulate more innovation.  The IMS LTI foundation in a very strong move in my opinion.  It's all good. [url=]ymjqubvmd[/url] [link=]jhdrczychpx[/link]

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