ThorneThanks のバックアップ差分(No.6) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Totally agree   definitely <a href="">givnig</a> AE a run for it's money! Fantastic work Pablo. There's definitely an untapped market for creating configurable AE-like projects (promos, slideshows, trailers, motion graphics, etc.) with Blender (similar to content).Will the blend files for this trailer be included in the TOS DVD set?  or will there me a separate  making of  DVD for the trailer about the  making of  the Tears of Steel DVD? :P
the last post I see is the 12 codes at 1:18am.  They're all gone and I don't see a thank you.  Unless they were posted<a href=""> bweeetn</a> 1:18am and now 8:44am ET.

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