meridiaashckeh のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

JohnThe thing about spam is that unless you know speficically where the mail came from it's hard to know if you have been hacked. In a lot of cases the "evil spammer from hell" may have gotten your email address from a chain mail or someone else's email header They may be using your address as a spoof address to send out their garbage.On rare occasions your Outlook or Thunderbird address-book may have been stolen.Since you were able to change your password on Yahoo you probably weren't hacked there. Apologize to your friends and explain that this is probably spurious.1.Change all relevant passwords. 2.Turn off images on all emails that you read.Until you know where they come from.3.Be damn sure that when you open an attachment that it is something you are willing to risk your security on.4. Use Passwords that have multiple characters, numbers and cases. Phrases work.Relax. If yahoo was hacked they can research the incident. contact
its not just finish what i<a href=""> strated</a>. its that smile! WOW i wonder what is he up 2  he cant be part of cover up because he killed everyone to find out who was really behind. thats gunna be a TWIST!

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