Yknzoldw のバックアップ差分(No.4) - PukiWiki by illuminum

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For me I think there are a lot of reasons.  The<a href="http://iebhwrp.com"> beggist</a> one is getting my family to eat healthy with me.  My husband doesn't need to lose weight so when he buys groceries he doesn't buy healthy choices.  He buys things like corn dogs and chips and cheese.  He feels that he shouldn't have to  suffer  not having that food in the house.  My new job doesn't allow me as much time to do the shopping and cooking, so a lot of that falls on him.  Then there are the kids who just never eat what I cook anyway, and I don't want to make separate meals for everyone.I am pretty new to this (only 3 days in) and I am going to work on it.  My new plan is to try the tips from  deceptively delicious  where the veggies are pureed and hidden within the foods that my kids WILL eat.I am finding that it is just going to take more time and thought, and I will do my best to do it right, because I am tired of making excuses and looking/feeling that way that I am.Thanks for listening!

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