Xybkxawq のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

kompis!Jag diggar veirklgen dina bilder pe5 bloggen, schf6na som fan!  ...har en egen blogg och skulle vilja ha bilder ockse5, vart skaffar jag bilder gratis som pe5 din? ...anve4nder just nu www.fototorget.com men den e4r lite gless, dessutom e4r dina bilder mycket schysstare!
Basicly, I hate the grocery store.  I was<a href="http://grqzhdkfnrc.com"> sgilne</a> for a long time.  I would buy fresh produce and it would go bad before I could eat it unless I went every 3 days or so. The labels on the foods are so confusing!!  I end up grabbing as I go.  Hot Dog at Quiktrip because it is warm with diet coke.  Lunch would be usually fast food.  Dinner was beer and chicken wings    Now I am trying for protein shake or ceral..but it is cold.  Lunch a salad from the salad bar that the local grocery store..but I hate the grocery store.  Dinner doing very well at sticking to a protein and veges.  It is easier now that I am engaged because he goes to the grocery store and I make the list

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