Epxnmola のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I don't think it has anything to do with mratuity.  I think a person can be mature and enjoy playing games and devising strategy.I did the same thing.  I simply can't spend much time on video games.  I used to spend hours on end.   For me,  I just can't justify the "pay off" based on the "effort".   I will not spend countless hours just trying to get to the next level, simply to get to the next level.Also, I got into a mindset that I wasn't challenging myself all that much.  You are simply using a graphics interface to defeat a database of numbers.   Some of it is luck and some of it is skill, but the bottom line is you just need to get the database numbers to look a certain way and have it tell you "you win".   I can't get past this concept now.  Also, I almost always find a pattern and then I get bored.   It ends up just hitting the button and getting a boring response.   bleck.I'd much rather play against people than a computer.  I suspect that if I played online games, I'd get back into it, and that's probably why I don't.  I don't want to get sucked into it.  Yahoo Answers wastes enough of my time
There should be a grey <a href="http://ijjerzmocx.com">coeorld</a> area on the back of the card.  If you scratch it off, you'll find a number underneath.  That would be the PIN for the card.  You should be able to login to their website to find out your balance.

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