Bdlbtgpy のバックアップ差分(No.3) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Gabriel Hey Tyler,Is there anyway to have the lhtbgiox2print use a preset max width image? or disable it from being used from another plugin? My problem is it is not rescaling images to fit within a screen. Or do you know of anyother way this can be corrected?Thanks,Gabriel                       June 7, 2011
I want to start a website where <a href="">peploe</a> can create their own online store there they can sell items on I hope to target businesses and individuals to make online stores. There is no age limit as you can sell things at any age. I want to know if its a profitable business and if its worth starting. Im not looking to earn a lot I just need money to support my family as none of us work so Im just trying to get a bit of money coming into the house.My prices are:a316.50 for a basic account and a330.50 for a business account or is this to low (if yes I am open to suggestions)There is other business offering the same to CREATE ONLINE STORES but I offer more services.

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