ZaqGr のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

I missed the danildee.  Is there some way to get one ticket?  Is there a waiting list in case anybody cancels?  I was there last year and I can't believe I am missing out this year.
“Daddy” by Sylvia Plath Sylvia Path is the speaker in this poem , and she is <a href="">spekniag</a> about the death of her father who she refers to as “Daddy”. She is <a href="">spekniag</a> about the loss of her father because of diabetes. Relating to her losing someone important in her life, I can relate to the emotions and feelings towards it. However reading more into the poem you see that the speaker is happy about her father being dead.  She feels as though it was her fault and she didn’t do anything to prevent it, so she caused it. I don’t understand why she mentions being poor and white in the poem. When it comes to feelings there shouldn’t be any discrimination or thoughts because of your financial situation or skin color. Or maybe she blames her father because she was poor. I was confused by that. She mentions colors a lot but no vibrant colors. She mentions “black shoe” and “one gray toe” which describes her feelings as well. Dark colors often symbolizes death, sadness and sorrow. Plath uses a lot of  these metaphors to describe her father. For example, “There’s a stake in your fat black heart”, “Chuffing me off like a Jew”,  and  “Bit my pretty red heart in two” .She resented her father for many reasons. And its funny how towards the end she calls her father a “bastard” and she’s done with him. The speaker got her point across and feels like she can now move forward in her life.

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