Xgbyibzr のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

All agents recejted my query letter & sample pages, but after a year I have made major revisions to my query letter, manuscript, and changed the title for the same project.Is it ok to query them again with revised query and different title for the same project? Do I need to mention that I had contacted them a year ago?
When I first released my book, Tangled Hearts, I <a href="http://pnhundhts.com">plcead</a> a facebook ad. The ad allows you to target an audience. I picked women 18+ who love LDS Temples. What a perfect target audience, and the price wasn't too bad. I quit running my ad when it hit $50. Maybe that wasn't enough, but my ad ran an entire day. Sales results: 0 increase. I had better results through giving out my book as a Goodreads Giveaway and Giveaways on LDS Publisher. Maybe had I ran the ad for an entire week, I would have seen results, but my market is small (only 30 people a month GOOGLE LDS Romance) and I have to decide if spending a large amount on advertising is going to increase sales enough to pay for the ad. John Locke spent nearly $20,000 on advertising his books. Until a blog post went viral, all that money meant nothing. It is word of mouth that sells books. So...you can try the ad. It's easy to set up and you can pick your own budget. But the best advertising it to get your book out into people's hands. Donate copies to libraries. Join booklending.com and loan out your book. Do the giveaways. If you have a good book, people are going to spread the word.

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