PayScale のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Thanks guys, I just about lost it loionkg for this.
56aDear professor,Thank you so much for this <a href="">wesitbe</a>.Your article on how to contact a potential PhD advisor is the reason I'm here but I just couldn't leave without posting a comment on this one.I am applying for a PhD abroad. I started in my home town almost 3 years ago and due to the whole mess of mediocrity, bureaucracy, and vanity (which is by the way quite normal for my country), I had to pause. And being one of the top five in the class was irrelevant for getting a job. Less qualified people were hired. I had the option to do something  that my supervisor wanted for my thesis though it wasn't my area of specialization (and to get sick) or to stop. I got sick anyway. But I didn't give up PhD, just that faculty.So I really understand people who make that decision because sometimes all that worry may not be worth it.But it is not easy even if it's temporarily and not quitting. Since with this economy, there is not so much job for urban planners, I am really starting to doubt. This year I got accepted to the master at three prestigious European universities but didn't get the scholarship. I am afraid that I'm old for their criteria, is 28 really that old? Is it for a PhD? Because I am looking for applications now but hearing all these stories

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