Aqdscury のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

i think a lot of people here are miissng the point that this is meant to get some laughs. its hilarious, i do this even with my bff. Its just funny. lighten up people! haha go to the mirror and start pulling obscure faces and you try not to laugh at yourself
Um normally I have rlaely good answers but the closest thing I have in my life that was relatively close to this was falling for a girl who was my friend for a few years.Everything started out rlaely well and then shortly a few months later it began to deteriorate till eventually because of her parents, which happened to be the cause of it all (the truth not making this up), made her break up with me. I in turn figured it was over and for well over a month did not rlaely do anything.The closest that we got to talking at that point was arguing over the net where she happened to invite all the friends that she had online into that chat wanting them to take her side which I can't rlaely remember because I met my girl that day in that moment. I fell hard and fast for one of her friends and so far we have had an amazing 9 months and still going.So, my advice is. Do not necessarily go out and look for something new, someone to fill that which it the hole your heart. However, just be aware that something better will come along and seize that moment when it does.

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