AdvantagesAs のバックアップ差分(No.2) - PukiWiki by illuminum

Comment by Cynic on February 9, 2011 at 9:13 amThere are many things that come in my mind and the first thing is, when I will die I will be in the air and will be able to see all my loved ones. But they won't be able to feel or see me. Also, in case if my eyes are doneatd to someone, in the next birth I will be blind. Thus I have two views, in the first one I see myself as  free soul and in the second one I see myslef having a blind reincarnation.
Yeah the prizes are kinda dull at the<a href=""> momnet</a>. I have about 300 now and I'll probably get another 200-300 by the time the promo's over and I don't even like most of the high range prizes so I might just get some free 20oz coupons, magazine subscriptions, Kodak prints, and contest entries with whatever I have left before the promo's out.

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