Oooxgosz のバックアップ差分(No.1) - PukiWiki by illuminum

>each gift card aquired shloud be accounted for. each receipt shown. each coupon photo'd and shown as well. Full disclosure. theres a lot of gift card fraud going on these days. Show it all full proof put enough evidence up that no one can even ask questions. when your total to spend doesnt include all sources of funding and what not thats when all the speculation and questioning comes into play. start the year off with a full inventory your stock pile and everything. course now we are back to a blog of  let me show you how to save money  or  let me show you how far 800 can go  2 diff things. the 800 since theres a dollar amt involved requires strict accounting and more transparency. Where as the other route can offer great tips on how to save money. You might save youself a lot of headaches by having a blog that shows good ways to save money and abandoning the 800 dollar concept.

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